Makers mmog Starcraft Universe find money via Kickstarter


Upheaval Arts, the small company behind mmog Starcraft Universe, raises money through Kickstarter. The company hopes that in a month $ 80,000 to get the game, a mod for StarCraft II, to be able to finish it. There is already a playable demo of the game.

Upheaval Arts gave in February already a playable single-player prologue of StarCraft Universe free download is via This was the studio’s attention to ask for a collection campaign on its own site. Now try the studio is also using Kickstarter to raise money. If in a month $ 80,000, the company makes a playable multiplayer beta version of the mod, in which the beginning and the end of the storyline are included. At $ 100,000 is the mod with the playable Zerg race, in the 135.000 dollar is moba-gameplay added and $ 175,000 adds the studio the middle section, with the bridging part of the story.

Starcraft Universe is a mod for Starcraft II. Upheaval Arts wants of the rts by Blizzard Entertainment a game in the style of World of Warcraft, the successful mmog from Blizzard. Ryan Winzen, founder of Upheaval Arts, has announced the mod in the beginning of 2011. Blizzard was initially not happy with the mod, but after Winzen the name had changed from World of Starcraft in the Starcraft Universe, was the cold from the air. The studio considered even to Winzen a job offer. Got that far at Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends tried Winzen incorporation.

Kickstarter video Starcraft Universe