Fourth b lwa ta iOS 7 hint at finger print scanner in the new iPhone


The this week released the fourth b lwa ta of iOS 7 contains references to a finger print scanner that is built would sit in the home button. You may get a upcoming iPhone, where for months, rumors about such a scanner built in.

The discovery was made by developer Hamza Sood on his Twitter account announced. The fourth beta of iOS 7 contains a folder called BiometricKitUI, and in the code are several lines that refer to the ngerprint scanner. In the strings that are used for the VoiceOver-read-aloud function, images are described of users that the home button touch it with their thumb and also mention is made of an image of a fingerprint that changes colour during a certain act.

The website 9to5mac reports that it will also be a source heard that the interface for the finger print scanner is already complete. Apple would users want the ability to unlock the phone via the scanner. Whether the technology also can be used for mobile payments, it is not yet known.

Apple will be the finger print scanner may be implemented in the successor of the iPhone 5, which this fall is expected. There is also a cheaper iPhone expected to, but because Apple on that model is probably more on the costs will take care of it is not plausible that also with a finger print scanner will be.