Call of Duty: Ghosts will get dedicated servers for Xbox One


Activision at gamescom in Cologne announced that the Xbox One version of the shooter Call of Duty: Ghosts dedicated servers on Xbox Live. Therefore, it is no longer need to own servers to use.

By placing dedicated servers on Xbox Live the Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts run smoother, reports Gamespot. Fans of the shooterserie asked already to dedicated servers by Activision, because the host of multiplayer games, lag can cause players with a moderate or bad internet connection.

Activision showed at gamescom, also a new multiplayer mode in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Mode, Blitz called, works on the basis of goals, in which one team must defend and the other team an attack run. Also showed Activision a new folder with the name Chasm. Microsoft had already know that the Xbox One bundle is given in which the shooter from Activision is included.