Victims of fraud online banking to get my money back


Who becomes a victim of fraud with online banking, will be given his money back. That the Second Chamber decided, on the initiative of the party. The cabinet supports the proposal. The exact details are still not clear.

Both a majority of the Second Chamber and the cabinet endorsed Thursday the proposal of PvdA Mp Henk Nijboer of victims of internet banking always get their money back, unless they are grossly negligent. That writes; a spokesperson of the PvdA, confirms the news. At this time, rate banks on a case by case or affected customers their money back, but in most cases it happens that out of courtesy. Now is thus a statutory scheme.

According to Nijboer is the current state of affairs is not clear enough. Nijboer said earlier that what it regards compensation, even be omitted if users no virus scanner or firewall. “I find that insufficient reason. Only if a consumer is grossly negligent and its data on a silver platter offered, that’s different,” said the parliamentarian in may. In the motion is that of returning: to write Nijboer that the government, in consultation with the sector’ to ensure that there is a “clear and transparent vergoedingsnormen’ will be developed.

It is clear, further, that a study comes to a claim settlement for companies who are victims of faults in the pin network or the payments. There will also be a security standard for online banking.