USA list of foreign targets for cyber attacks


Part of the last year by president Obama has drawn up directive for Offensive Cyber Effects Operations is the preparation of a list of possible foreign targets for cyber attacks. It comes to potential lwa le targets of national importance.

Presidential Policy Directive 20 relates to a document of 18 pages, and that of October last year, has been issued, and of which the existence is already known, but the content of which until now largely secret remained. The directive describes OCEO as ” operations and related activities by, or on behalf of the government of the USA to be carried out in cyberspace that are intended to be cybereffecten outside government networks of the United States to generate.”

The call is to a list of “potential targets of national importance’. This would be the US ‘unconventional opportunities around the world national goals to pursue in which no or hardly any warnings issued to the goals and where the potential effects range from subtle to extremely harmful.’ Also in the US itself, can internetaanvallan be carried out, but this is the express consent of the president is needed, writes The Guardian, that the directive in hands got. The document also warns for countermeasures and consequences such as “loss of life”.

The publication will appear on a salient point: a few hours after Obama in a session with his colleague, Xi Jinping about the cyber attacks over and over again. The two presidents call on common rules on digital warfare. Also appears the directive a day after Obama in serious embarrassment is through the disclosure of project Prism, that intelligence services direct access to servers of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple to data of foreigners to gather. That the united states is with digital warfare on foreign targets, focus is not a surprise: a general example, it is assumed that the country, along with Israel behind the Stuxnet attack on Iranian nuclear facilities was. However, it goes to the first hard overheidsbewijs that the US has a list of targets worldwide, the line-up.