Sony brings a fix for a jammed PS3’s next week on Thursday from


Sony says the problem related to jammed PlayStation 3 consoles ge lwa identified and next week Thursday with a software update. According to the manufacturer is a ” small number of systems affected by the issue causing the firmware update.

Wednesday complained hundreds of PlayStation 3 owners on the official PlayStation forum that their system continued to hang after the install firmware version 4.45. Not every owner had the problem, but the problem was not to a particular variant of the console to trace. Sony pulled the on update back and put the bugvrije version 4.41 is available, and moreover, the company’s software in the prospect that an end to the lockups had to make. That would be June 27, should appear.

Friday gave Sony, however the issue is still in research. Meanwhile found the cause, says Morgan Haro, SCEA PSN Community Management Team. Thursday 27 June will roll the group to a fix from which users with a jammed PS3’s should help. According to Sony, it goes to a ‘small number’ of systems that are affected. Thursday, Sony has also the details about how the update should be applied. That will probably be using safe mode in combination with an usb-stick.