New iOS version includes improvements in Bluetooth stack


The Monday announced iOS 7 it appears some have not previously been exposed to improvements in the Bluetooth stack. This allows notifications directly to Bluetooth-enabled devices to be controlled and there is support for low energy Bluetooth hardware.

New in iOS 7 is support for Bluetooth low energy accessories such as sensors, writes 9to5Mac. In addition, it provides iOS 7 an api that allows notifications to a connected device can be sent, according to a blog post from the marketing director of the organisation behind Bluetooth. IOS 6 offered itself only has the possibility to sms, e-mail and belnotificaties to a Bluetooth-enabled device to send; for other notifications had to be a detour may be searched for, which doesn’t always worked. The notificatiemogelijkheid can be used for smart watches; the rumors are that Apple itself to such a watch works.

Another change is the preservation and restoration service, which is preventing certain applications their connection to a Bluetooth device, losses when they are closed, for example, to free up space in the memory. It seems that the operating system supporting the communication with the device takes over when the application is closed.