“New Google service should help users stuff to share”


Google is allegedly on a service which users must help lend or give things to friends. The service works through Google+, which, among other things, it is possible to lists of desired items.

The new service, which Mine is called, is not by Google officially announced, but there are indications, however, for found, put online by Google Operating System, a fanblog who frequent new Google services as the first new brought out. According to the site, which allows users to Mine through the app, and Google+, asking for stuff, for example, loaned, or given away. Also, the users would with Mine can show what assets they have.

It should be in Mine also possible to search for stuff, looking for providers. Also would the new Google service, offer the option to create wishlists, which users want stuff to enumerate. The system then gives recommendations, though it is unclear where these are based. There is also no mention is made of the trade of stuff for a fee.

It is still unclear when the Mine was officially announced and will be released. Currently, it appears that the service is internally tested at Google. In addition to a web service, would Google also working on an Android version of Mine.