IPhones lose in Western Europe terrain, Androids, and Windows Phones


Western Europeans bought in the last winter less iPhones than last year. Where a year and a half ago, a quarter of the in Europe sold smartphones was an iPhone, that’s now fallen to one in five. Android and Windows Phone are in the elevator.

The figures are estimates of analistenbureau IDC on the basis of quarterly figures from manufacturers. The number of sold iPhones in Western Europe declined from 7 million in the first three months of 2012 to 6.2 million in the first three months of 2013. What countries covered by Western Europe to fall, reports IDC, however, did not. However, Norway, Spain, and Italy called.

The number of Android phones rose in the first three months of this year from 15 million to almost 22 million, an increase of almost half. The same is true for Windows Phone, which has a market share of 6 percent in Western Europe has reached. Sales increased from 1.1 million to 1.9 million, mainly due to Nokia’s Lumia phones.

IDC blames the drop in number of iPhones to the shift to cheap smartphones. Because grants have been abolished and the unemployment rate rises in Europe, less and less people an expensive phone to buy. Android phones are available from about 60 euros, while the cheapest Windows Phones around 150 euros in costs. Apples iPhones are for sale from around 350 euros.