France closes downloaders no longer


The French government has decided that web users that repeatedly illegally downloading, the internet may be shut down. However, it is possible to issue fines and to issue, that can add up to 1500 euro.

The change was announced by decree of the French government, reports Les Echos. That probably means that it immediately takes effect and that repeated illegal downloaders, so no more of the internet should be shut down. The legislation, which by the previous French government was set up, forcing isps to repeat offenders after two warnings, the conclusion is that since 2009 only one time happened.

The law is not, however, completely abolished; it is still possible to downloaders fines. Those fines can reach up to 1500 euros. Internet service providers have data of customers from now transfer to a special agency responsible for the issuing of fines, so the fines can be automatically issued. It is unclear whether the data of all the customers must be handed over, or only those of violators.

Up until now, the organisation Hadopi charged with the detection and punishment of repeat file sharers. It is unclear whether that organization is also in the new situation is responsible for the issuing of fines. Previously advised a overheidscommissie to the three strikes law to weaken, by downloaders not to shut down. That commission advised the government also to have the fines reduced and with a thuiskopieheffing to come, but that hasn’t happened yet.