Dedicated servers for pc version of Titanfall running on the new Xbox Live cloud


A developer of the next-gen shooter Titanfall has disclosed how the dedicated servers of the game are arranged. Respawn used the new Xbox Live cloud-based technologies for the servers, and see many more possibilities with Azure.

Engineer Jon Shiring of Respawn Entertainment has in a blog post on the official website of the ontwikkelstudio published in any way shooter Titanfall makes use of Microsoft’s cloud technology Azure. According to Shiring, there was a lot of confusion about the functions of the internet service, which will play an important role as the Xbox One once in the shops. The cloud technology is by Respawn, for example, used to dedicated servers as possible.

“Dedicated servers have one major disadvantage: they are extremely expensive. They are so expensive that many a development team comes to the conclusion that it’s priceless,” writes Shiring. “I’ve been there with Sony and Microsoft talked about that we a solution had to be found for 100,000 to 150,000 dedicated servers, for a price that is not currently found on the market. The Xbox group came up with a proposal which we already that dedicated servers could have it, and games could be run with less restrictions on the area of cpu power and bandwidth,” said Shiring.

Azure is more than just a platform that dedicated servers may take care of, set Shiring: “Forza Motorsport 5’s servers, for example, Drivatar, which, from the servers to your driving study, on the basis thereof, a ai-driver. That is something very different than what we do.”

Respawn will use the Xbox Live cloud-based not only for Titanfall on the Xbox One. Also the servers for the Xbox 360 and the pc version running on Azure. This seems to be an important reason for Respawn to the game only on the Xbox consoles and the pc, and not on, for example, the PlayStation 4.

Shiring believes that the cloud is an important step that can mean for multiplayer games. “I believe that the online games could be improved. We can in Titanfall do things that no player-hosted multiplayer game. I expect that we will, over time, more and more things with the servers going to do it then they are only use for dedicated servers. This is something that we in the coming years, allows all kinds of new ideas for online games to try out.”