Also Facebook and Microsoft want to end secrecy dataverzoeken


Facebook and Microsoft want to be like Google that they request of the intelligence services outside may bring. At this time it is not allowed for the existence of such requests to reveal.

The technology companies want the U.s. government to more openness permits, writes news agency Reuters. At this time, some dataverzoeken, such as requests under the so-called FISA legislation, strictly secret. Companies are required to work on the dataverzoeken, but their existence is not to bring out and the person from whom data are requested, therefore, not inform.

According to Microsoft, leading to more transparency means that citizens in these important matters can understand and discuss’. Facebook pressed the Us government in a written statement at the heart of companies to provide certain information about dataverzoeken to release, such as the scope of the requests that companies receive. Tuesday reported Tweakers all that Google and the U.s. government in a letter called for more transparency.

The three technology companies are under fire, because they are just like Apple and Yahoo would collaborate to an extensive spy of the American intelligence service NSA, called Prism. The companies would the intelligence services direct access to their servers. Themselves deny the companies that. Google, for instance, says that the intelligence agencies access to its servers. However, by the intelligence services requested information in an unknown proportion of the cases sent electronically. This is done through secure ftp, according to a statement from Google compared to Wired.

Meanwhile, a large number of organizations, including Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American civil rights movement the ACLU, a petition against the spy of the NSA started. The petition is signed by websites like BoingBoing and reddit, in addition to the Icelandic politician Birgitta Jónsdóttir, who the U.s. government in the past itself has requested data.