Google introduces new Gmail design with tabstructuur


Google has a slightly modified layout of Gmail ge lwa site, where e-mail can be automatically categorized. This allows notifications from social networks and commercial lwa le e-mails in separate tabs will be displayed.

With the new version can set up to five tabs to be configured: a primary tab with important, personal e-mail; a social tab with updates from social networks; an ‘advertising’tab, with commercial e-mails; an ‘updates’tab, with email confirmations, and invoices of companies, and a ‘forum’tab, which includes updates, discussion forums and mailing lists can be grouped.

Users can choose which tabs they want to enable. Is a particular tab is disabled, then e-mail for that tab in the primary mailbox. Users can view the tabs, however, not further configure than that; it is e.g. not possible to have a private e-mail filtering as a tab to turn it on.

The new interface in the coming weeks gradually rolled out, but the functionality already want to use, you can do that by selecting the “inbox configure” click once present. Soon, even the Gmail apps for Android and iOS get support for the new inbox. The new layout seems to be an evolution of Google’s priority inbox, important e-mail is automatically recognized, and in a separate inbox is displayed. Last Sunday licked the screenshots of the new layout already.