VLC may no blu-ray support in France


The opensourcevideospeler VLC may in France no protected blu-ray discs playback. That has Hadopi to VideoLAN, the developer of the media player, let us know. The playback of blu-ray discs can only be if Sony gave permission,.

VLC has been around since version 2.0 on experimental support for playing blu-ray content. Playback of AACS – and BD+-content is not supported. That is because Sony, the developer of the protection system for blu-ray, the encryption keys only under license, etc. Reports that l’Informaticien.

VideoLAN wanted the open-source software give the option of blu-ray discs to play and explained the problem to Hadopi, the French government agency that the antipiraterijwetgeving need to check. VideoLAN did that on the basis of article L331-32 in the French law on intellectual property. It states that companies in the public should ask if access to information essential for interoperability is withheld.

In this case, ruled Hadopi that VideoLAN the information may not be obtained by reverse engineering or by the decompilen of the code. The purchase of a license from Sony for blu-ray playback of discs is not an option, because VideoLAN the code under an open source license would need to publish, what Sony obviously does not want to. VideoLAN can still be against the judgment in appeal.