Nintendo saves traditional E3 press conference


The Japanese console and gamefabrikant Nintendo at the upcoming E3-gamesbeurs, from 10 to 13 June in Los Angeles is held, no big press conference. Instead, choose the consolebouwer for multiple, smaller evenementjes.

Nintendo did, just like console manufacturers Sony and Microsoft, every year a well-attended and viewed worldwide press conference prior to every E3, but differs as this year from. In a statement Nintendo announced that such a massive press conference not find useful in a year that the company has no new hardware to announce. It runs for Nintendo at E3 to new software, and the company sees a big press conference as the most efficient way to bring it under the attention.

Instead of a big press conference organises Nintendo during the E3 multiple small events, where the focus is on games that will appear on the American market. The Japanese company made it known that there is in each case a separate event for American distributors, and an event for Western gaming media. Nintendo will be the Japanese audience is informed via a web-to-follow Nintendo Direct press conference, the company regularly organizes.

Nintendo is one of the five major press conferences at E3 way. Publishers Ubisoft and Electronic Arts have their press conferences are already announced. Microsoft has already let know that it is, after the unveiling of the new Xbox on the 21st of may, at E3 more details about the console and its games will release. Sony is expected to more about the PlayStation 4 tell during their E3 press conference.