Google makes Google Music available in Belgium lwa


Google has announced that its muziekstreamingdienst Google Music in seven new European countries, including Belgium lwa. Users can get up to 20,000 songs to upload to Google’s servers and then stream.

It is the second wave of the rollout in Europe; last year, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain already have access to the music service. In addition to Belgium, they are now Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg and Portugal. Outside Europe, Google has the service extended to New Zealand and Australia. As with similar services, such as Apple’s iTunes, users can individual songs or whole albums purchased from the music service. In addition, Google Music some of the hundreds of toll free numbers.

Users may also set their own music files using a desktop client to Google’s servers to upload, and then via the Android or Chrome app to stream. Songs that are already on Googles servers are present need not be uploaded; these are recognized and skipped, but then to the online collection of the users added. Each user is allowed a maximum of 20,000 songs in its online music library, which later also as a mp3-file can be downloaded.

Google introduced its music service in november 2011 after a long period of rumors and has the functionality and availability since then steadily expanded. According to recent rumors would Google plan to a paid streaming option to add to the competition with Spotify.