Google comes with new protection against malicious Chrome extensions


Google has announced that it will soon be new measures that silently install malicious extensions for Chrome browser is supposed to stop. Users will receive a warning if an extension itself imperceptibly want to install.

In the next week, Google will provide the new functionality roll-out. The company will keep track of which software is the standard method for an extension to try to install to work. This software will then be recognized as malware. Each user who is then trying to download the software will get a message saying that the software might be harmful. For the display of the notification Google uses the Safe Browsing implementation that is currently being tested in the beta version of the browser.

The new measures follow on the changes that Google has previously made in the area of extension installation. At the end of last year and while Google is still the possibility of extensions to silently install by means of an adjustment in the Windows registry. That possibility was there to give users an opt-in offer if they have software installed that additional Chrome extensions wanted to add. “Unfortunately, the functionality is widely abused by third parties to secretly extensions in Chrome to install without the user’s informed”, said Google destijd.