Banks promise information about cyber attacks with each other, share


The Dutch banks have promised themselves better information to change as they are affected by cyber-attacks, for example, in the form of a ddos attack. The banks want merchants, however, no compensation to give. They speak of force majeure.

That has the Dutch Association of Banks on Monday agreed with the ministers of Security and Justice and of Finance. The better exchange of information must the banks help attacks better. In addition, the banks have a representative seat to take in the National Cyber Security Centre, reported the NOS.

Until now, banks were reluctant to inform each other in cyber-attacks, due to competition considerations, but, among others, the websites of ING, Rabobank and ABN Amro, and the payment platform, iDeal are the last time repeatedly bombarded by means of ddos-attacks. Nevertheless, president U. Steel of the Dutch Association of Banks that the banking systems in the Netherlands is among the most advanced in the world and may, therefore, are the targets of ddos attacks. Also, would botnets be employed, but the banks claim the attacks are always better off to be able to save. Who the perpetrators are, is still unclear.

The big banks don’t want compensation payments to merchants who say they have suffered damage by the failure of payment systems like iDeal. According to the Dutch Association of Banks is a matter of force majeure which the banks shall not be liable for any damages.