Amazon: number of S3 objects in less than a year has doubled to 2 trillion


Amazon has let know that at S3-cloudopslagsystemen now two trillion objects are stored, a doubling in less than a year time. In addition, incorporated the company at peak times to 1.1 million requests per second.

That the public cloud platform from Amazon thanks to customers such as Dropbox and Netflix growing rapidly, was already known. However, the company has more insight into the massive amounts of data that are Web Services-based systems are stored. According to AWS ceo Jeff Barr, there are now two trillion objects stored on the S3 servers, a doubling since June 2012 would have taken place. About the first trillion, or 1012, the objects on the S3 – opslagplatform did the customers of Amazon for another six years.

An object is nothing more or less than a file without a defined file size. Unfortunately, reports Amazon is not what the average size of a file, making difficult to determine how much storage capacity there is, roughly, would be required within the S3 infrastructure. However, the company wants to have lost that at peak times up to 1.1 million requests per second processed; in January 2012, Amazon is still a maximum of 500,000 requests per second.

Analysts expect that Amazon, is currently the market leader in the provision of public clouds in the coming years the market leader continues and by 2020 may have a market value made up of 20 billion dollars. The company gets more and more competition; earlier this week, Microsoft announced that Windows Azure every fall in the price of Amazon will follow.