EA connect Asian servers Star Wars: The Old Republic


Electronic Arts is going to the servers for mmog Star Wars: The Old Republic continue to shrink. The three servers that have players from Asia before and Oceani lwa can be closed. The hit players can continue playing through the North American servers.

Electronic Arts is going to the three remaining Asian servers Star Wars: The Old Republic lifting because there are too few players are active, ” explains community manager Eric Musco in a blog. The remaining Asian players will be transferred to North American servers where more players are active. Musco could not yet indicate when the servers are closed; for the transfer to take place, the development team first, the migration-software customize.

The community manager explains in the blog that EA considered to be the Asian players together on one server, as many players suggested. The publisher, however, has decided to bring players to the Us servers. The Asian PvE server, PvP server, and RP-PvE server are now merged with similar North American servers.

Star Wars: The Old Republic appeared at the end of 2011 on the market. EA tried it with the mmog to take on market leader World of Warcraft and started with the same business model. After purchasing the game had a monthly subscription to be ended in order to be allowed to play. The interest in the game ran, however, quickly back and EA was forced to the mmog free to play. Since november 2012 try EA to make money on the game via microtransacties, which allows players to virtual objects can buy.