Belgacom and BNP Paribas to work on mobile wallet


Provider Belgacom and the bank BNP Paribas are working on a mobile wallet for Belgium lwa that developers of apps can integrate. As a result, customers can easily checkout in the companies and institutions using their smartphone.

Thanks to the framework of Belgacom and BNP Paribas, which is currently the name of Belgian Mobile Wallet seems to be wearing, companies and institutions, five elements to insert in their own app: identification of customers, debit cards and credit cards, tickets, voordeelcoupons and store cards. That means that customers in the app can log into the payment system, can pay, get tickets, and possibly with cards or coupons for discounts.

Developers can use the framework in their app, making the system works. Customers pay nothing for the service, but service providers that customers pay in their app should be on each transaction of an unknown amount or percentage of pay.

The system is made by ict-service provider Accenture and will initially work on iOS and Android. The first test projects at the end of 2013 and if everything goes according to plan, the payment system about a year wide to be rolled out.

Paying via the smartphone seems to be a great flight to take. In the Netherlands the payment method iDeal in a mobile version available, while companies such as Google and Microsoft also their own mobile wallets are trying to convert. Many companies in and around the telecommunications industry want a piece of the era of mobile payments by between them to sit and, as to transactions to earn.

In addition to Google and Microsoft, Apple Passbook is already in the scaffolding, while providers, banks and companies like PayPal and MasterCard are also on the mobile market are trying to deposit. What happened In the Netherlands under the name six pack with three banks and three providers, but that failed. KPN, MasterCard and the banks going to do a pilot test this summer.

Mobile payment is regarded as the ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ of the telecom sector. Already in 2002, became the first consortium to ensure established, while providers to each other, and not much later was in a partnership for mobile payments. The first major trial in the Netherlands took place in 2007.