Canonical brings Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview


Canonical has announced the Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview released. The test version of Ubuntu for devices with touchbediening is available for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the LG Nexus 4, Asus Nexus 7 and Samsung Nexus 10.

The Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview is intended for curious developers and offers limited functionality of the mobile OS ‘under construction’. Working native applications are the Gallery, the Phone app, the Camera application, a web browser, a media player, and an app for taking notes. Additionally, there will be links provided to web applications from among others Facebook, Twitter and Canonicals cloudopslagdienst Ubuntu One.

Because a terminal application within the OS is still lacking, should a developer via ssh the command line on a tablet or smartphone with Ubuntu Touch, to approach. Also access via adb is available. Further wi-fi is functional, but data over 3g, or bluetooth does not work yet. Gsm support for voice and sms communication would be present but may still be buggy.

Other restrictions on the Nexus 7 are that the gui is only in portrait mode, works, video, and audiodecoding is not working. In addition, warn the Ubuntu developers, that in ‘rare cases’ there is a chance bestaast on a brick on the Nexus 4. To ‘unbricken’ should the internal battery disconnected, but this must be the case are opengeschroefd.

On a wiki has Canonical the release notes posted for the testrelease of Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview. In addition, a new sdk available. This is still in the alpha phase and offers a remote app deployment as a new feature.