Developers to create ‘backup’ mobile network via wi-fi on Android phones


An ad hoc wifi network with Android phones should be there in the future to ensure that mobile communication is still possible despite the failure of mobile networks. A draft version is now tested and includes new routingprotocollen for Android.

By an Android phone as a wi-fi router connection can be established with other phones in the neighborhood, reports Networkworld. When the density of such smartphones is high enough, there may be a so-called ‘mesh’network to be set up as a backup for existing cellular networks. Such technology should offer a solution, for example, during disasters where existing networks on the market.

The creators of the wi-fi-based technology called Josh Thomas and Jeff Robble, have a new open source routingprotocol made for Android phones. The Span protocol to the existing routingprotocol that in the Android kernel is replaced, then the devices are suitable for use within the ad hoc network.

Currently, the Span concept is still in the testing phase, in which, among other performancetests be done. In addition, the creators already shown that voip applications continue to function if several of the times a connection is ‘routed’ to the final recipient. Also indicate tests that Android devices with more than thirty other smartphones can communicate without that the connection is saturated.

It is still unclear whether and when such routingtechnieken standard with Android are included. Probably, the development will initially still be a few years. By default, Android already the ability to as a wi-fi router to act, for example, as a mobile internet connection to share.