Already thousands of reports for massaclaim beeldbuisfabrikanten


Approximately one thousand consumers who believe they have too much paid for a tv or monitor with a crt-cathode ray tube by prohibited price-fixing between a number of original-equipment manufacturers, have already been reported in ConsumentenClaim for the start of a massaclaim.

In december last year, six tv manufacturers of the European data protection supervisor a fine of eur 1.47 billion imposed on roads, the prohibited price-fixing. Philips, Samsung, LG, Technicolor, Toshiba, and Panasonic would be between 1996 and 2006, the market for cathode-ray tubes, the cathode ray tubes that have a base component formed for old crt monitors and televisions, have distributed and mutual price-fixing agreements. In the USA, for similar reasons, also a number of original-equipment manufacturers prosecuted.

Because Dutch consumers about ten years, too many would have paid for tv’s and monitors, is the organisation ConsumentenClaim plan to have a massaclaim. Director Stef Smith let the NOS know that there are now more than a thousand claims within.

On the site of ConsumentenClaim, consumers can submit a claim. In addition, they indicate which type of tv or monitor to it between 1996 and 2006 have bought. Also the date of purchase and the price can be entered. According to ConsumentenClaim, who previously was active in a massaclaim against world online, is the by the consumer suffered damage to approximately ten percent of the purchase price.

Update 13:45: NOS reports that on Saturday, another five thousand registrations in ConsumentenClaim arrived.