WhatsApp processed 18 billion messages on new year’s eve


The popular messaging service WhatsApp has on new year’s eve the record of 18 billion messages processed. That are more than 200,000 messages per second. In 2011, processed the messaging service on new year’s eve, “only” a billion number of messages.

The number of 18 billion processed messages on the 31st december is a record for the message service, so you made WhatsApp to Twitter known. Of the 18 billion messages, there were 11 billion outbound and 7 billion inbound.

That number varies according to WhatsApp thanks to the group conversation: a message sent to a group with ten participants, there will be one incoming and ten outgoing messages are recorded. That means that on december 31, 7 billion unique messages are sent.

The previous record stood at ten billion processed messages in a day time, and in August achieved. At december 31, 2011 processed the message a billion messages; also that at that time was a milestone. How messages WhatsApp to on an average day, processes is unknown. Especially in Europe and Asia, the application is popular, and in the Netherlands is now well established. In the United States gets WhatsApp less foot on the ground, despite the fact that it is a U.s. company. That is probably mainly because the sms’, and this has traditionally been cheaper than in Europe and Asia – often even for free.

More recently, WhatsApp announced that the company stop supporting the iPhone 3G. The company was required to do so after Apple the support of the device cease. Xcode, the development tool for iOS, offers, therefore, no longer the possibility for the 3G development. Previously said the company has no plans for a BlackBerry 10 app.