Users Galaxy Nexus may be the end of February Ubuntu testing


Users of the Galaxy Nexus may be the end of February, a image download of Ubuntu Phone OS, the smartphone platform from Canonical. The Google phone of last year is, for now, the only hardware that the telefoonversie of Ubuntu can run.

Except the installable image is the source code available, reports OmgUbuntu on the basis of statements of Alan Pope, a developer who is involved with Ubuntu. Users of the Galaxy Nexus may be the first public test version of the operating system install. The first phones running Ubuntu Phone OS pre-installed, to estimate the beginning of next year.

The trial version will still not be complete or bug free; the voice commands are still missing, and also the downloadwinkel for apps is not yet active. In addition, other apps such as the browser, probably not without major bugs.

Canonical presented Ubuntu for smartphones last week. The interface relies heavily on input via swipes. From above the notifications are displayed, while with swipes from the left and right side between apps can be changed. Canonical still has no devices or specific deals with manufacturers of smartphones announced. Canonical claims that the high-end versions of Ubuntu smartphones also have a full desktop environment can offer with a monitor connected by the device in a dock. Companies would therefore employees a smartphone can give, then this not only serves as a mobile, but also as a ‘secure’ desktop or thin client. Windows-applications via a central cloud server streamed can be.