Telco’s exploring the idea of coordinating European providers


Large European providers think about the idea of a mobile service provider to establish that works in the whole EU and for which all countries have the same rates apply for mobile internet and calling. It is unclear whether such ‘superproviders’ are allowed.

The providers will explore that idea, because they think no fist against larger competitors on other continents. In the United States and China are much larger providers are active, that’s why manufacturers of hardware much easier requirements. The providers think that consumers would benefit from such a European superprovider, because there is within the EU is not roaming anymore. Those providers would be much higher in customer traffic, property and sales.

It is unclear whether such providers have been allowed, reports a business newspaper, Financial Times. Although the European Commission plans not in the way of will, have service providers to deal with the rules and regulations of all 27 member states of the European Union, the competition in wish to maintain, and therefore critical to look to mergers and collaborations between providers.

There may be yet another reason why large providers in Europe, such as Vodafone, T-Mobile and Telefonica, a network want to have in all European countries. It would be to their better bargaining position relative to Apple, Google and Microsoft. Providers want that this softwarepartijen contribute financially to the maintenance of mobile networks.

The discussions about the international superproviders would still in an early stage. The top of the providers has agreed, in a meeting with european Commissioner Joaquín Almunia, writes the Financial Times.