Mozilla provides Firefox-browsers, faster javascript engine


Mozilla has new versions released for both the desktop and Android version of its Firefox browser. The biggest innovation is the javascript engine performance with the use of web apps and web games 25 percent needs to improve.

The new desktop version of the Firefox browser in addition to the new javascript engine, Ionmonkey is called, got support for Retina screens for Apple. This requires that the browser be run on OSX 10.7 or higher. Also, Mozilla has a first implementation of WebRTC-support built-in, a framework that enables web application developers to relatively easily have a video chat or voip service can be set up.

Also, the mobile version of Firefox, which is only for Android will be released, has the new Ionmonkey engine. In addition, the Safe Browsing function is implemented, mobile users to protect against phishing and malware. There is also integration with the Google Now widget, the voice and information service that Google came out with Android 4.1. Finally, there are still a number of bugs.

The new Firefox browser has the version number 18 and was already as a beta is available. The final version is now available for download and the mobile version is now as an update via Google Play.