EA starts on 25 January with b lwa ta SimCity


Electronic Arts has announced that SimCity-b lwa ta takes place from 25 to 28 January. The publisher wants feedback on the online services for the game and gives ge lwa purchased who have signed up to the chance to the game an hour long to try.

The SimCity beta begins on 25th January at 18: 00 and stops on 28 January at 09.01 pm. Until 20 January, 22: 00, gamers who want to participate in the testronde sign up. Players receive one hour of time to get acquainted with the game, but they can during the beta several times some hours to spend.

The next Sim City is the fifth in the well-known series and an important new feature is the multiplayer mode SimCity World. Different players can have towns next to each other to build and trade. The development of the one city has influence on the other. The game is developed by Maxis Studios and should be on 7 march appear for Windows and Mac systems.