Telenet screw unlimited data transfer ‘old subscriptions’ quite a bit


The Belgian kabelaar Telenet is the data limits of a few old subscriptions next year, quite fitting. The two ExpressNet-subscription from the isp, then get in addition to a fair use policy. The upload speed of all subscriptions this week is already increased.

The provider has its customers are informed that the upload speed of BasicNet XL, ComfortNet, ComfortNet XL, ExpressNet, ExpressNet XL, TurboNet and TurboNet XL since this week is increased. The download speed will remain for all subscriptions 30 mbps, but the upload speed is increased to 2.5 Mbps for the cheapest subscription, and up to 5Mbps for the more expensive subscriptions.

Also, Telenet has announced that from 4 February next year, the unlimited volume of subscriptions considerably screws. The limit of BasicNet XL will benefit the most from the easing. The data volume of this subscription is by a factor of four stretched up to 100GB per month. The two ComfortNet-subscription of the telco to get a data plan of 150GB, while the hard limit of 100GB per month for the two ExpressNet-subscriptions will be exchanged for a fup.

According to Telenet customers do not themselves take action, and keeps the price the same. The subscriptions for customers with more current subscriptions, which have a different naming convention, there is no change as far as is known nothing.


From 26-11
Down/Up/DataVanaf 4-2-2013

BasicNet XL
30 / 2,5 / 25GB
30 / 2,5 / 100GB

30 / 4 / 50GB
30 / 4 / 150GB

ComfortNet XL
30 / 4 / 50GB
30 / 4 / 150GB

30 / 4 / 100GB
30 / 4 / fup

ExpressNet XL
30 / 4 / 100GB
30 / 4 / fup

30 / 5 / fup
30 / 5 /fup

TurboNet XL
30 / 5 / fup
30 / 5 / fup