Report: errors when retrieving personal data by the police


There is everything wrong with the retrieval of personal data from internet and phone users. This is evident from a report of the Ministry of Security and Justice. There are no national guidelines for consultations and there may not afterwards be verified or that were.

The Ministry of Security and Justice, when twelve police forces and examine how it is made with the consult of the so-called CIOT database and comes to the conclusion that there is a lot amiss. In that database, that each year more than 2 million times is being consulted, the personal information of telecom and internet users will be saved; each day upload the providers their entire customer base to the government. The police and the law enforcement agencies can, with the help of the database of ip addresses to data link.

The research shows that the way in which a survey of the database should be performed, only “partial” is defined. This is a correct implementation of this process’ is not guaranteed. To which a survey of the database must comply with, for many, unclear. In addition, most of the police forces for the control of the questioning afterwards no stated directive, and those checks are not recorded.

Three of the twelve surveyed corps used a system for the handling of queries where the access automated was arranged, and where surveys were recorded. The other corps was in three-quarters of the cases impossible to determine whether the survey was correctly implemented, because the required documents could not be shown. Incidentally, most of the queries which later could be tested, legitimate, writes the ministry.

The authors of the report recommend the government to the guidelines for surveys to update and to ensure that all raadplegers of the guidelines on the height. In addition, the police recommended that with an automated system for the surveys to come. Also, should queries be logged.