Canon patent points to the arrival of new 50mm f/1,2 lens


A Japanese patent application of Canon might indicate that the company has a new 50mm lens with a maximum aperture of f/1.2 to develop. Also, the description message of a 50mm lens that may be for a new compact system camera designed.

The new design for the 50mm f/1,2 lens, detected by the Japanese camerapatentenblog Egami, would be a major disadvantage of the current Canon EF 50mm f/1.2 L-lens can override. Which last, introduced in march 2007, has suffered from so-called focus shift. This problem is a result of ‘spherical aberration’ and occurs in bright lenses, if focus is obtained, whereby the largest aperture is used, and the photo is taken with a smaller aperture. The result is blur and autofocusproblemen.

As is usual in such lenspatenten be several variants have been proposed. Three of them relate to a new 50mm f/1,2 lens, but, strangely enough, is also a 50mm f/2 lens design with a so-called ‘back focus’distance of only 28mm specified. In the normal Canon EF-mount is the distance from the front of this lensbevestiging to the sensor 44mm, while the new EOS M, a compact system camera, a flange back distance of 18mm.

The Egami blog speculates that the last 50mm variant in the pantentaanvraag would relate to a lens for a new compact system camera from Canon. The larger distance to the sensor would indicate a full-frame sensor, but given the recent introduction of the EOS M system seems to be that what premature.