Programmeerleeromgeving should provide the students with feedback


Programmer Alex Gerdes for his doctoral research at the Open University a programmeerleeromgeving developed. The software should students automatically give feedback during the tasks and make it easier to learn programming.

In the development of the programmeerleeromgeving for the functional programming language Haskell, Ask-Elle-called, worked Gerdes together with students of the University of Utrecht. Ask-Elle would be able to help a student with a programmeeropdracht busy to give feedback, whether it is a correct step has been made with his written Haskell code. Also must Ask-Elle, which is aimed at first year students, dropping hints if a student crashes.

The feedback Ask-Elle, is automatically generated on the basis of modeloplossingen for a certain programmeeropgave. At modeloplossingen is the code written as though an expert has produced and contains the code of the methods that a student himself must learn.

According to Gerdes, is Ask-Elle also useful for teachers, since students are more independent at commands can work. In addition, it is for teachers to modeloplossingen to add to the programmeerleeromgeving that the provided feedback can be changed. Gerdes will be on 23 november at the Open University in Heerlen for a doctorate based on his thesis ‘Ask-Elle: a Haskell Tutor’.