ArmA developers are not out on bail free


The two employees of ontwikkelstudio Bohemia Interactive which in Greece have been arrested on suspicion of espionage come for free. The Greek court has denied the two Czechs on bail, free to leave. They are now seventy days.

Now the two Czech developers are not on bail release, they will have to wait for the lawsuit before a Greek court will serve, as reports Eurogamer, on the basis of the notification from the Czech website Rozhlas. The two men are already for seventy days held on the Greek island of Lesvos. They should indeed be condemned for espionage, then they can have a maximum term of imprisonment of twenty years imposed.

The two men, pending their trial, to cope with severe conditions. According to the father of one of the developers, they share their cell with more than 25 other people, and sleep on the ground. Also, there would be just two times per day food to be provided.

The two developers were at the beginning of september on the Greek island of Lemnos was arrested. According to the Greek authorities had the two men was guilty of espionage. The duo would photos taken from a military base on Lemnos. According to the men themselves, they were on Lemnos to enjoy a holiday and that story is by Bohemia Interactive confirmed. The studio claims the developing of a game not to use illegal recordings of military bases, but only public sources.

Shortly after the arrest, it was expected that the danger had passed it would run. In a similar case were fourteen vliegtuigspotters after six weeks detained to be later released in exchange for a cash deposit of 9000 pounds, that a lawsuit was avoided. In the case of the two Czechs, the judge of the request for bond denied, making a lawsuit inevitable.