Valve is looking for b lwa tatesters for the Steam client on Linux


Valve invites Linux users on its Steam site to register and for a chance to win participation in a b lwa tatest of a Linux port of its Steam client. Additionally, the company will this week at the Ubuntu Developer Summit a presentation.

The previous month, as announced by Valve that, in October, a beta program would start at the Linux port of Steam and a game on the basis of the Source-engine testing. In the meantime, gamers can with a Steam account to register for a beta which among other things asked for the available configuration of a test system. Valve is primarily looking for users with the necessary Linux experience. Eventually, the company will from the subscriptions of approximately a thousand testers to select.

Valve is also planning to release Monday at the Ubuntu Developer Summit to make a presentation with the title “Steam Linux UDS Beta”. Presumably, the company will offer the beta program at that time officially announce. The beta will probably be three games on the basis of the Source engine: Serious Sam 3, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. It is unclear whether the previously announced beta program, widened the scope will be, or that it goes to a whole new testronde.