Mozilla pulls Firefox 16 offline due to vulnerability


Mozilla has Tuesday ge lwa ntroduceerde new version of Firefox again taken offline, due to a security issue. The browsermaker promises Thursday, a patched version to upload. The Android version is already patched.

The vulnerability, which Mozilla has decided to Firefox 16 offline, made it possible for malicious sites to figure out which urls have been visited. Moreover, can an attacker gain access to the url and the url parameters’, writes the beveiligingscoördinator of Mozilla. What that exactly meant, is unclear.

Current users of Firefox 16 are not automatically downgraded, but may, if desired, or do it manually. In addition, they will automatically be a patched version as soon as that is available. Firefox hopes that version Thursday, to be able to roll out. Incidentally, is Firefox 16 still to download on a page with localized Firefox versions. The Android version of Firefox was also affected, but is already with an update.

Firefox 16 was Tuesday rolled out and offers better developertools and the ability for web apps to ‘install’. The Android version also has a leesbaarheidsmodus received, with unnecessary interface elements of websites to be removed, making the text more readable.