KPN punch part of his telecommunicatiemasten off


KPN has announced that it is a part of his masts, which are intended for mobile communications has been sold to the company Protelindo. The telecom provider wants the masts are no longer in control and now instead mastruimte rent.

According to KPN the sale in the amount of approximately 75 million euro result. Protelindo, that the telecommasten in your hands, in Indonesia also the owner of telecom equipment. It is not disclosed how many towers exactly be sold, but it is not the first time that the original masts in the sale; in the years 2008 to 2011 were also used for telecommunications, referred to masts disposed of.

KPN is now going to be the necessary mastruimte rent. The reason that this is staged is that the provider manage telecommasten, used by different companies to be used, not as core shows. Also want to KPN of real estate, such as office buildings and former telephone exchanges. Also here seems to be the telecom provider a huurconstructie to pursue. KPN punch more masts off, and then bring them back to rent.