Hitachi develops a permanent storage method


The research department of Hitachi has developed a method to carry data for a very long time to save. Binary data in a picture quartz has to be written and then remain according to the researchers, millions of years intact.

The r&d department of the Japanese technology company Hitachi says data hundreds of millions of years to be able to save. The new storage method would be as ‘permanent’ storage of data for digital archives to serve, or to the cultural heritage of humanity, so claims Hitachi. The data would be using a laser in a thin plate quartz can be saved and with simple equipment, such as an optical microscope, can be read.

The storage is similar to the way in which data in a cd or other optical media vehicle is written. In a thin plate quartz, a hard, glassy mineral, with a laser dot is formed. This is a powerful femto-laser is required, which is in the quartz of different layers of pits can form. With the precision laser can be in a picture of quartz with a thickness of two millimeters is enough pits are made to a density of 40MB per square inch, to achieve approximately the same density as with an audio cd. That is much less than the datadichtheid of, for example, a hard disk, but it could be performed by different layers to describe.

The Japanese chose as a storage medium for quartz, since that material very high temperatures can withstand. The described pictures were for several hours at 1000 degrees Celsius exposed, without adverse consequences. In addition, the quartz is very resistant against chemicals. Bottles of quartz glass are also used in the chemical industry, for caustic liquids to keep. Only if the images break, the data may be lost.