Ubisoft add dlc to Ghost Recon: Future Soldier


The French publisher Ubisoft has announced that the shooter game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will be expanded, with a dlc package. The package, called Raven Strike, adds three extra missions and a Guerrilla map to the game.

The Raven Strike pack adds the first three missions to the single-player campaign of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, reports Eurogamer. The mission, Secure Dawn, is set in a foggy marsh in Kazakhstan where the Ghosts of their advanced technology can’t use it. The mission Cold Walker is running on a Russian train depot and Argent Thunder plays at night in Moscow. How the missions relate to the story in the single player campaign is not yet known.

The dlc pack adds except for the three single-player missions also have an additional playing field for the Guerilla mode of Future Soldier. The folder Sawmill put players down on the foggy Russian countryside, where fifty waves of enemies overleegd should be.

Raven Strike is from september 11 to download for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. On Microsoft’s console costs the package 1200 Microsoft Points and on the PlayStation 3, there should be 15 euro to be paid. Inquired with Ubisoft to learn that it is not yet clear when or if the dlc for the pc version of the game available.