Stolen Apple udid’s were from the database of the company BlueToad


The millions of Apple device ids, so-called udid’s, which by Antisec have been stolen, appear to be derived from the database of the company Blue Toad. The hackers had previously preached the data from an FBI laptop to have captured.

Blue Toad, that focuses on online publications, has in a public statement indicated to think that the personal information of iOS users that by Antisec published coming from a private database. This would help the company to be 100 percent sure that the hackerscollectief the Blue Toad-database as the source used, as appeared from an interview with NBC News; Blue Toad was the theft on the rail by the stored udids of Apple users compared with the Pastebin published data.

Antisec had been at the publication of the Apple-device-ids correctly indicated that the data obtained were from a laptop of an FBI employee. The American organization denied this however. Because Blue Toad is not publicly made known that hackers are servers are invaded, was not directly linked to the publisher, that several applications for iOS and the device ids are saved. In total there would be 12 million ids were stolen. With the udid, Apple-users be identified.

Meanwhile, there is no udid’s more on the servers, so the publisher has promised. Incidentally, Apple has already taken measures to make use of the udid by developers, to ban. Blue Toad ceo Paul DeHart said in the interview with NBC News know no idea to have had the ultimate impact of the hack.