Next NASA lander takes a peek beneath martian surface


Two weeks ago, arrived Mars lander, Curiosity has yet to his first start, but NASA already has plans for a next mission. The InSight explorer must be the Mars-surface tunnels.

The intention is that the Mars lander, InSight, that in september 2016 on Mars must countries, for the first time, a look beneath the surface of Mars. NASA wants to know whether the core of Mars is solid fabric is made, or that this fluid, like that of the earth. Also, the lander investigate why Mars is not divided into tectonic plates like the earth. NASA wants to know why Mars is so different than the earth has evolved.

For all of this to find out get the InSight of four instruments on board, which, among other things it must be determined how the planet rotates around its axis and with which seismic waves can be measured. A probe must also be up to 5 metres deep into the martian surface, causing the temperature below the surface can be measured. In contrast to the Mars rover Curiosity may be the InSight not around.

The Monday NASA announced the mission will cost 425 million dollars, of which the launch is not counted. According to the director of NASA, Charles Bolden, helps the mission with the laying of a ‘foundation’ for future manned missions. In addition to the NASA work also the French and German space agencies participated in the program. Per year on mars – about 1 year and 10 months on earth – the lander more than 29 gigabytes of data to return.

The most recent Mars lander, the Curiosity rover, landed two weeks ago and will start soon on his first mission. The reconnaissance vehicle also makes a ‘journey’ of 400 metres. In addition, this weekend was a trial held in which a laser on an eight centimeter wide stone was fired. By the surface of the stone to pulverize, could the chemical composition to be examined.