KPN gets MijnKPN apps offline after privacy issue


KPN has the MijnKPN apps that help clients ‘ data on their phone – and sms-able to see, offline. That happened after two customers of the provider complained that suddenly they are someone else’s data could understand.

KPN took action after customer Alex-Jan Sigtermans on Twitter complained about the app, suddenly the data of any other TELECOM customer showed. Were visible, according to the NOS, among others, the used and unused credit, as well as e-mail address and mobile number and data on the mobile contract. Billing information were not accessible.

“It is now no longer possible to log in with the app,” allow spokeswoman Renske Algra KPN know According to Algra, the apps ‘offline’, both for iOS and Android. In the Play Store is the application, however, still to be found. What exactly is the cause of the problem is and how many users are affected, is unclear.

In total, KPN has two complaints. The first complaint came in the last two weeks, but then undertook KPN no action, because the complaint from only one customer. “The message is captured immediately and we have performed tests, but there was nothing,” says Algra. “It seemed to be to an individual case.”

When the applications are available again, is still unknown. Incidentally, KPN customers their data through the website (s) that is not affected by the problem, according to Algra.