Gnome version of Ubuntu will come out in October come true


On 18 October, will be at the same time with the release of Ubuntu 12.10 is also a version with the Gnome environment come true. This Ubuntu spin’, whose name is not yet final, provides the Gnome Shell instead of Ubuntu’s Unity environment.

The arrival of a specific Ubuntu version with Gnome Shell-desktop was already in may suggested when the plans for Ubuntu 12.10 were drawn up. In the meantime, it is clear that Quantal Quetzal on October 18, also in a Gnome version is available, a Ubuntu spin’ that is fully based on the Gnome Shell 3.6 desktop environment. However, it would still go to an alpha release.

The final naming is still unclear. Originally was chosen for Gnomebuntu, but the Gnome Foundation would not give permission for this title. Now it is spoken about Gnobuntu and Gnubuntu as alternative titles. The website Gnomebuntu is already in the air.

In the Gnome version of Ubuntu will be older version 3.4 of the file manager Nautilus to be included, because in new releases some popular functionalities have been omitted. As the default web browser is selected for Epihpany, while Abiword and Gnumeric as alternatives for LibreOffice. Will Rhythmbox be the default player and will client Evolution back, but UbuntuOne is omitted.