Developer: Oracle ‘internal’ test code path in MySQL source code


A developer of MariaDB, the community edition of MySQL, argues that the Oracle in the latest release of MySQL, a part of the so-called test cases has been omitted and the open-source database, thus closed source is likely to make.

On the blog of the MariaDB writes developer Sergei Golubchik that in the source code of MySQL 5.5.27, a number of new directories are found with the name internal/mysql-test. Normally in the folder /mysql-test so-called test cases placed which can be controlled or implemented bugfix actually is effective, however, the folder internal/mysql-test was not previously present in the source tree.

According to Golubchik, it appears that Oracle in this internal-directory of test cases for patches places that are not to be included in the open-source code of MySQL. Would Oracle be test cases as possible, as a proprietary code consider. This would also appear from the commits for MySQL which is in the internal folder, to enter and so not to be included in the freely available source tree.

Oracle would not yet have responded to the findings. Golubchik states, however, that the company, despite previous promises, the open-source community further will alienate through the MySQL source code even less clear.