Battlefield 3 expansion, Armored Kill, will appear from 4 september


Electronic Arts has announced that Battlefield 3 expansion, Armored Kill, from september 4, phased in ge lwa site. Battlefield 3 Premium members on the PlayStation 3 on the day of introduction as the first turn.

In the release plans of the expansion pack, the Battlefield 3 Premium members first bid. The members who on a PlayStation 3 to play, if very first getting started, on 4 september. A week later, can also the Premium users on the Xbox 360 and the pc the expansion download. PS3 gamers without a Premium subscription can Armored Kill on september 18th, buy, while the remaining Xbox 360 and pc gamers the expansion from 25 september allowed to play.

Armored Kill expands Battlefield 3 with four new fields, which are mainly focused on battles with vehicles. For that reason, gamers will be at that new maps also the biggest map in Battlefield history. In addition, it adds the dlc package for new vehicles and introducing the new Tank Superiority game mode in Battlefield 3.

Premium members need for Armored Kill not to pay extra; the dlc is part of the package for which they already have a total amount of 49,99 euro paid. Other gamers on the Xbox 360 1200 Microsoft Points changed hands, or 14,99 euro on the PlayStation 3 or pc.