Apple disconnects nominal record of Microsoft on stock market


Apple has on the New York Stock Exchange set a new record by its stock price to soar to more than 620 billion dollars. The old record for the value of 618,9 billion was in the hands of Microsoft.

The share price of Apple rose over the past week, already considerably, according to analysts, is the result of persistent rumors about the iPhone 5 and the advent of a compact iPad. Monday increased the prices again to more than 660 dollars per share and the total market capitalisation of the company at more than 620 billion dollars.

With a market capitalisation of more than 620 billion dollars breaks Apple from december 30, 1999 omnibus record of Microsoft. The market value of the software giant, peaked when, on 618,9 billion dollars. If, however, the inflation of the recent years is taken into account, would the market capitalization of Microsoft in 1999 out at around 840 billion dollars, well above the current value of Apple, writes MacRumors. IBM would in 1967, however, even more worthy, namely, of 1.3 trillion dollars, says CJR.

Apple has its growth of the last years, largely thanks to the iPhone, iPod and iPad. In 2004, the company had a market capitalisation of around 10 billion dollars.