Russian Wikipedia goes black to protest internet censorship


The Russian site of Wikipedia is going to on Tuesday 10 July on black. This is protesting the online encyclopaedia at a new bill, that a black list of websites banned in Russia content as possible.

Opponents of the bill see it as an attempt to get more censorship on the Russian internet market. On the Wikipedia page is the statement: “The Wikipedia community is protesting against censorship that the free access to knowledge threatens.”

According to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, the black list controlled by the government to designate a bureau, that also gets the right to sites on the list. The idea of the black list is suggested after the Russian internetwaakhond Russia’s League of Internet Security, an international network of 130 alleged pedophiles had curled up. Proponents of the proposal hope that the distribution of online child pornography and extremist propaganda and ties can be placed.

The law still has two parliamentary rounds. The chance is large that the proposal can get through, says The Verge. At a first reading on 6 July last voted in a majority for the bill.