Nintendo sent developers to Mario school


To two Mario games at the same time, we can develop opened Nintendo temporarily the Mario Cram School, where staff members explained got how a typical two-dimensional Mario trail in each other needs to be taken.

In the latest episode of Iwata Asks to discuss Nintendo’s director Yusuke Amano and Masaaki Ishikawa, both of which are at the head of the team that New Super Mario Bros. 2, the platformer later this year, will appear for the 3DS. In the conversation, reveals Iwata the existence of the Mario Cram School. The school was an internal training for developers of Nintendo not a Mario game had worked. The lessons were given by Takashi Tezuka, who at most 2d Mario games has worked. Tezuka wanted his lessons to convey what he thinks is important in the design of a typical Mario-trail. Also Toshihiko Nakago, an equally veteran as Tezuka, was at the course concerned.

Also Yusuke Amano took to the lessons part, without knowing that he after the course, participants would be asked for the direction to take on the development of New Super Mario Bros. 2. The classes were instructive, according to Amano. The levels in the course were made, were, according to Amano very fun to play and provided many new ideas. Within the course there were only two times as many people as are normally required to have a level to design.

The course enabled Nintendo to to two Mario games at the same time to work. In addition to the team of Amano that works on New Super Mario Bros. 2, was elsewhere in the company is working on a Mario game for the Wii U. Nintendo has the people on set who have experience with the design of a Mario-2d-trail.

New Super Mario Bros. 2