Child labour used in assembly for Samsung products


China Labor Watch has discovered that a manufacturer who Samsung products, uses of child labor. The human rights organisation claims that an undercover sting operation at least seven workers under sixteen were.

It comes to the company HEG Electronics, Samsung among other mobile phones and dvd players manufactures. During an undercover operation in the months of June and July, there were seven workers under the age of sixteen identified. China Labor Watch, however, thinks that other departments within the company and also the large numbers of children working, where the organisation estimates that the total number of suits between fifty and one hundred children.

According to China Labor Watch, the children must do the same work as the adults, but they get the but for 70 percent paid. In addition, the work of many dangerous situations, where all injured. According to China Labor Watch violates HEG Electronics frequently the rights of its employees.

Compared to Bloomberg, Samsung has indicated a team of inspectors to the factory of HEG Electronics. Also claims the South Korean company that this year already two times an inspection has occurred, and no violations were detected. Samsung let its inspections, however, run by the company Intertek, which China Labor Watch claims that workers facilitation have been adopted to offences under the pet to keep.

Previously had a Samsung competitor Apple already has to do with child labor. It was also at Foxconn, the Chinese company that products for Apple, a zelfmoordgolf among employees found. Both Apple and Foxconn promised the working conditions to improve.