Zeeland council members complain about battery life, Windows tablets


Members of the Zeeland Provincial States are dissatisfied with the tablets that they had received for paperless conferences. The Windows tablets hold the sometimes, not a whole assembly out and work laborious.

The Windows tablets do not fall into good ground with the members of the Zeeland Provincial States, reports Omroep Zeeland. The intention was that the tablets the paperless meeting would allow, but according to the broadcaster are the piles of paper still on the table during meetings of the Provincial States.

Reason for this is that the tablets are not always a whole meeting to go through on a battery charge, and that the adjust of the pieces and making notes according to the Sections of cumbersome work. The council members opted for a Dell Latitude ST tablet with Windows 7. The test with the tablets ran since march.

Not all council members are dissatisfied. The british national Party group chose, on their own initiative for an iPad, though was warned that the ict department does not support. The british national Party-council members are happy with their tablet.